ALLIO Education System

Staff - Teacher - Student - Parent School Management System

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  • award
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Students Management

Managing student registrations, student information, student classes, alumni etc...

Staff Management

Managing staff, roles, permissions, contracts etc...

Classes Management

Managing classes, class teachers, class vice directors, class students ect...

Courses, Subjects, Lesson Titles & Chapters

Managing Courses, Subjects, Lesson Titles & Chapters ect...

Lesson Planning & Timetable

Planning Lessons, Managing Timetable ect...

Lesson Timeline

Automatic Generation of lesson timeline, Managing student's activity, attendance and behaviour during classes...

Students Marks & Behaviour

Storing student's marks and behaviour

Absences & Discipline

Managing student's dicipline & attendence.

Questions & Articles Bank

Creating miltiple type of Questions, Articles ect to use them latter in Quizzes.

Online Quizzes

Creating & Managing Quzzes, Quizz Reports etc...

Reports & Statistics

Generating statistics, school reports and other official reports.

Events, Olympiads & Competitions Management

Events Management.

Economy & Storehouse Management

Economy & Finance Management.

Documents, Files & Contracts Management

Managing school documents. Personal FTP account and filemanagement interface for each user.

Messaging & Notifications System

Messaging System. SMS, Email & Push Notifications System

Transport Management

Transport Management.

Security Management

Managing persons authorized to take children from school, come and visit them, persons who come to visit school or staff etc...


Security, Performance & Simplicity.

ALLIO is build in three platofroms. web, android dhe ios, which makes it easy to use from every device and everywhere .

ALLIO stores data in dedicated & secure servers which gurantees secuity of data and performance accessing them.


A web browser is everything you need to access ALLIO in real time from everywhere.


Android & iOS applications make ALLIO easier to access.


All data is stored in secure and fast servers.


Android & iOS Applications

Improve school management now! Use ALLIO!



E kam perdorur kete aplikacion prej 3 vitesh dhe cdo vit permiresohet duke sjelle funksionalitete te reja teper te nevojshme per mesuesit per te kuptuar gjithmone e me shume nivelin e klases. Testet online jane nje nga shume mundesite qe ky aplikacion te ofron per te kuptuar dhe pikat ku cdo nxenes ka nevoje per me teper pune per te perforcuar njohurite e pa qarta. Informimi ne kohe reale i prinderve ne telefon eshte nje tjeter mundesi fantastike qe ky aplikacion te mundeson. Ky aplikacion ka vendosur nje standart te ri per menyren e menaxhit te mesimdhenies.


Benard Tangu

Robotics Teacher, Turgut Ozal Colleges

Eshte fantastike, te gjithe ne nje. Kjo platforme ka sjelle risi ne te gjitha drejtimet ne shkollen ku eshte implementuar, ku une kam punuar keto tre vite. Nxenesit kane mundesi te bejne te gjitha testet online, marrin pergjigjet e tyre, notat per cdo lende, informacion rreth sjelljes se tyre, arsyetim i cdo note. Mesuesit permbledhin cdo informacion te punes se tyre ne nje cloud, qe e aksesojne kudo ku ndodhen, planet mesimore, regjister i kompletuar ne cdo detaj. Se fundmi, prinderit informohen ne kohe reale per cdo gje ne lidhje me femijen e tyre, notat, sjellja, pjesmarrja ne mesim etj. Nje cikel mesues-nxenes-prind per mbarevatjen ne menyre perfekte te femijes.


Dafina Shehi

ICT Teacher, Turgut Ozal Colleges

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